luyued 发布于 2011-05-28 08:56 浏览 N 次每日灵粮(2011-05-10):同是一家人
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
May - 10
"There should be no division in the body . . . its parts should have equal concern for each other ". 1 Corinthians 12:25
Singles can be a huge blessing to families. The number-one friend of the family is Jesus himself. Jesus never had a wife or children, but he is the head of every Christian family. The apostle Paul, unmarried and childless, transformed families by leading them to Christ and teaching them God's pattern for family living. Christian author C. S. Lewis never had children, but his Chronicles of Narnia still enrich millions of families and children. You don't have to be a parent to bring love and joy into kids' lives. Childless couples and single people can be used by God as uncles, aunts, teachers, coaches, friends, and mentors for many children.
The Lord doesn't want everybody to be married with children, and he doesn't want everybody to be single. But he does want all his people, married or single, childless or in large families, to appreciate each other, bless each other, and build each other up as members of one body, Christ's church.
Lord, thank you for the splendid variety within your church. Help us to bless others and to value the blessings they bring us. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.
哥林多前书 12:12-27
May - 10
神没有安排每一个人都结婚,养育儿女。祂也不愿让每一个人都独身。但是神想要祂所有的儿女 —— 不管是已婚的,还是独身的,是没有孩子的,还是儿女成群的,都能在基督的教会,在同一个肢体里,彼此欣赏,彼此祝福,彼此造就。
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