Desperate singles/ are you the one?By Monica
luyued 发布于 2011-05-14 18:18 浏览 N 次1,
Before I make a speech, I want to do a little investigation, have you ever heard of micro blog? How many of you have registered in the micro blog and be a member of it? I am sure, whether you are a member of it or not, you must have heard of a micro blog called, “photo shooting to rescue sysu singles” “随手拍照解救中大单身”. It is a blog used for sysu students to post photos and materials of their friends, relatives, teachers or even themselves, as long as they are single and have aspiration to be double. actually, this blog is so heat that it has attracted more than 8000 people to be its fans and hundreds of candidates to be posted on it. But
Behind this heat, have you thought a little deeper of its crazily popularity? What on earth is the topic of “relationship” so hot among us and we kept talking about it day and night, years after year?
2, As far as I am concerned, the most important reason is that it is a human nature to love and to be loved. We are born group-living animals, they are scared of even being alone, not to mention lonely in their heart. The moment we are born, we have been accompanied , natured and taken care of by our parents and friends. However, as we grow up, our needs can no longer be fed simply by these people. We desire someone to love us , to simply love us; to care for us , to only care for us; and to belong us , to only belong us. We love him or her so much that we just want to have it by ourselves, which is called “monopolization”. No matter whom you are, or what kind of person you belong to, you have this desire in your deep heart. It reminds me of a friend of mine. She is a cool girl , always dressed in pants, who seems to care for nothing and lead a life so well on herself. But one day, she secretly told me that she actually was so lonely and sad that she is desperate to find someone to love her and be her boyfriend. At that moment, I realized anyone needs a relationship, as a human nature.
3, but it is not only human nature that murders desperate singles. As a matter of fact, Society pressure is also a killer. The society, especially Chinese society, regards unmarried as abnormal, left over irresponsible, naturally inferior to those married. More over, Chinese girls are naturally supposed that they should marry between 22 and 30, best in their 25-28. However, they are not encouraged to be having relationship until they are 18-19. It left them less than 8 years, sometimes as short as 3-4 years to finish the whole process of “ get to know men, find someone, understand and love someone, finally, marry someone”. What a stress for the girls! Men are nevertheless less stressful. Though less press on age, but more press on Chinese traditional idea of “marry first, career comes next”
Therefore, the society actually keeps telling us, marry earlier, live easier.
4, apart from the society pressure, unrealistic fantasy can also be a reason for numerous singles. Thanks to modern film and TV dramas, people, especially girls, have tons of fantasies on his Mrs. Right or her Mr. right. I once ask a girl why she is still single, because she is so excellent in all rounds. She told me in a low voice, I want my Mr. right to be someone more than 1.75 meters tall, good-looking, good enough family backgrounds, promising future, understand her , be tender to her, comply requirements of her. Oh, my god, are you sure you are looking for an available man, not Prince William? Or are you supposed yourself as Kate Middleton, not anyone else?
5, all in all, it is the human nature, social pressure and unrealistic fantasy that achieves numerous desperate singles’ escape from being available. Although reasons and real world are sucks, I still believe that as long as you have a good willing, a prepared mind and a pair of bright eyes, you can find your destined ones at the end of the single journey!
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