luyued 发布于 2011-02-25 19:02 浏览 N 次今天 16:10 来自:译言
来源8 Awesome Things Made From Recycled Blue Jeans
8 Awesome Things Made From Recycled Blue Jeans
Denim is one of those every day fabrics that we often take for granted. That's why we were so stoked to see so many creations submitted in our Recycled Denim Challenge elevating the versatile fabric to new heights. Whether it be bean bag chairs, bracelets or doggie vests, check out our list of 8 truly awesome things made from recycled blue jeans.
Striking Geometric Dress Made from Recycled Wide Leg Jeans
What do you do when you’re sitting on a pile of old wide legs jeans that just aren’t in fashion anymore? Well if you’re designer Hyun Gun Jang, you tailor them into gorgeous geometric dresses. Who knew wide legs could be turned into something so couture?
当你坐拥一堆已经不再流行的旧的宽腿牛仔裤上时,你会怎么做?嗯,如果你是设计师Hyun Gun Jang,你就会把它们裁剪成华丽的几何型的连衣裙。谁会想到这些宽腿牛仔裤可以变成如此时尚的东西?
Recycled Denim Skull Baby Shoes
Cuteness alert! LisaWilliams made these pirate inspired recycled denim mocs for out of old jeans. We especially love the skull motif blanket-stitched onto the comfy kicks with white embroidery floss.
可爱警报!Lisa Williams受到海盗的启发,用旧的牛仔裤做出了这件作品。我们特别喜欢骷髅图案,用白色绒线缝在舒适的鞋面上。
Woven Recycled Denim Charpai Cot
This charpai, or Indian string cot is Siddharth Hirwani’s version of the commonly used piece of furniture. Instead of the traditional nylon, it uses recycled strips of denim. 3-inch strips are cut and stitched together to make a roll of flat strip, which is then used to weave the central portion of the charpai.
这个轻便的床绷子,或者叫印度轻便婴儿床,是Siddharth Hirwani的设计日常使用的家具。他用牛仔布条代替了传统的尼龙材料。将牛仔裤裁剪成3英寸宽,然后将它们缝起来形成一卷扁平的布条。之后,用它们编织这个床的中间部分。
Beautiful Woven Recycled Denim Rug
Terry Dewal made this delightful rug out of shredded up old jeans. To give the carpet even more customized flava, he hit it with a few splashes of Clorox for a blotchy, stonewashed appearance.
Terry Dewal用撕成碎布条的旧牛仔裤做了这块讨人喜欢的地毯。为了使地毯满足更多的定制的需求,他将少量的次氯酸钠滴溅到地摊上,形成一个瘢痕点点的磨砂外观。
Recycled Denim Beanbag Chair
Beanbags might be the funnest piece of furniture known to man, and Carla Morai from Portugal just took them to the next level by making one out of 10 pairs of castoff jeans. What a durable, comfy spot to curl up and read a book on!
沙包可能是人类已知的最有趣的一件家具,来自葡萄牙的Carla Morai只是用10条被丢弃的牛仔裤做出了一个,就将它们推到了一个新的领域。想象一下自己蜷曲在上边看书,是多么舒适又耐用的东东啊!
Recycled Denim Bracelet
You might not think that denim, or any other cloth for that matter, would make the most ideal material to make a bracelet with. But Julie Floersch was able to do it – here’s the fabulous quilted bracelet that was the end result.
也许你从不认为牛仔布,或与之有关的其他布料,可以成为制作手镯的理想材料。但Julie Floersch做到了——这个神奇的含有填充物的手镯就是最终的作品。
Recycled Denim Doggie Vest
This doggie vest is so cute that it’s almost unfair. Justina Blakeney crafted it from a pair of old jeans. Pure jeanius!
这件狗狗的背心可爱得不像话。Justina Blakeney巧妙地改造了一条旧牛仔裤。Pure jeanius!
Recycled Woven Denim Saddle Bag
Can’t you just imagine this elegant bag sitting in the window of an expensive department store? We could too, which is why we were so impressed that it was totally handmade. Miranda Chance breathed new life into old denim jeans and leather coats by transforming them into this exquisite bag.
你就没有想过这只精美的包包被放在一家高档商场的橱窗里的样子吗?我们想过,完全纯手工制作是我们如此印象深刻的原因。Miranda Chance 将它们改造成这个精致的包包,使得旧的牛仔裤和其他皮质大衣有了新的生命。
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