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luyued 发布于 2011-05-19 02:08   浏览 N 次  
今天在lqqm瞎逛,无意中在joke版看到一则笑话。发信人: ficage (汉三回来了), 信区: Humor
题: 如何调戏奶茶店mm
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (2007年01月02日00:15:18 星期二)
看看发信站,是华工的白云黄鹤,虽然不是珞珈山水,可也还是武汉的高校呵。记得当时学校周围很多卖珍珠奶茶的小店,有的还兼卖关东煮。记得最后一个学期过的很颓废的,可能跟自己在大学荒废了很多时间感到遗憾有关。总之那时候就是经常出入网吧一类的地方啦,也很少回宿舍跟其他同学交流,跟我铁的就那么几个人,还有2个是长期跟我混网吧的,呵呵。夏天的时候每次从网吧出来,回寝室的路上,都要路过好几家珍珠奶茶店,总要买上一杯来喝,凉凉的,珍珠果(我怀疑就是小面团子之类的东西)一颗一颗滑滑的。开始的时候,我很不喜欢珍珠果,觉得没味道,但仍然要老板多放。从粗粗的管子里吸上来,然后噗的一下喷出去,很有成就感,哈哈。后来渐渐喜欢上那种牛筋糖般的口感了(奇怪,我最不喜欢吃牛筋糖了)。边走边聊,不用沉浸在网络的虚无中也能忘记现实的烦恼了,真是留恋那段无忧的路啊。苦中作乐,郁闷中找平衡是我的拿手好戏,所以我从来不会长时间的消沉,至少外表上。做过的就绝不后悔,从来,不论对还是错,而是享受他所带来的结果,不论好还是坏。没有那时的我,也就没有现在的我,而无论何时的我,都是真实的我。不会痴迷于什么,对什么都拿得起放得下,无所谓的态度。。。。至少也是表面上的,呵呵。 ok,taste this.hard times from east mountainsouth.“Oh,hard times come again no more.”yes,tomorrow willnever be too bad to expect.

hard times

edit by usaorange

let us pause in life's pleasures and count itsmany tears
while we all sup sorrow with the poor
there's a song that will linger forever in our ears
oh, hard times come again no more

'tis a song?a sigh of the weary
hard times?hard times come again no more
many days you have lingered around my cabin door
oh?hard times come again no more

while we seek mirth and beauty
and music light and gay
there are frail ones fainting at the door
though their voices are silent
their pleading looks will say
oh, hard times come again no more

'tis a song?a sigh of the weary
hard times... hard times come again no more
many days you have lingered around my cabin door
oh, hard times come again no more

'tis a sigh that is wafted across the troubledwave
'tis a wail that is heard upon the shore
'tis a dirge that is murmured around the lowly grave
oh, hard times come again no more

'tis a song sigh of the weary
hard times?hard times come again no more
many days you have lingered around my cabin door
oh, hard times come again no more
oh, hard times come again no more
