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2011年5月14日 Shaken Baby-6

luyued 发布于 2011-05-15 23:06   浏览 N 次  


Little Michele and Gabbi, almost 4, get their portrait taken before a fundraiser for a charity which helps Gabbi with her medical cost. The twins were appointed Little Ambassadors for the agency.

搖晃嬰兒綜合症 (摘自维基百科)



Shaken Baby Syndrome

Serious brain injury from the forceful shaking of a baby or young child, was first identified by researchers in the 1970s.

Violent shaking-often brought on by a baby’s crying, can rupture the delicate veins around the brain, causing bleeding and swelling and build-up of pressure. In severe cases, shaking causes brain damage, blindness, seizures, paralysis and, sometimes, death.

Symptoms include respiratory distress and unconsciousness, and, in milder cases, vomiting, irritability and sleeplessness.

Website: www.shakenbaby.com
