2011年5月14日 Shaken Baby-6
luyued 发布于 2011-05-15 23:06 浏览 N 次这是我在两姐妹接近四岁时正装打扮参加一个慈善晚会前拍的合影。盖比的医疗费用惊人,当地一个慈善组织慷慨相助,并把双胞胎姐妹封为该组织的外交小大使。
Little Michele and Gabbi, almost 4, get their portrait taken before a fundraiser for a charity which helps Gabbi with her medical cost. The twins were appointed Little Ambassadors for the agency.
搖晃嬰兒綜合症 (摘自维基百科)
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Serious brain injury from the forceful shaking of a baby or young child, was first identified by researchers in the 1970s.
Violent shaking-often brought on by a baby’s crying, can rupture the delicate veins around the brain, causing bleeding and swelling and build-up of pressure. In severe cases, shaking causes brain damage, blindness, seizures, paralysis and, sometimes, death.
Symptoms include respiratory distress and unconsciousness, and, in milder cases, vomiting, irritability and sleeplessness.
Website: www.shakenbaby.com
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