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luyued 发布于 2011-05-14 09:43   浏览 N 次  

开场白: 我最近常常徘徊在要不要勤奋要不要放纵的旋涡里,像一个孤独的幽灵.......


北京的秋天比我想象中来得快来得冷. 就算在这样阳光明媚的一天里,还是觉得冰凉凉的.


秋冬时症状-----------手脚冰凉,鼻塞, 容易吃不饱,懒得动,睡觉起床也变的很困难很困难. 不知道别人怎么样,反正我知道HELEN一直都冲冷水. (不行了,我觉得自己都开始发颤了..)

有的人一星期看一部电影,流连在虚幻的光影当中. 电影这玩意是相当的矛盾,亦真亦假, 可是每个人都会有落泪的时候,至于那些无聊的小说就免了, 很受不了XX主角的苦情恋爱与魔幻世界的纠缠. 还不如再读一遍红拂夜奔.


又想起在某个傍晚看到的晚霞烧红了天边,但是为什么拍下来就觉得不那么好看. 彩虹也见过很多次, 没有拍下来,因为知道拍不下那种感觉.

昨天突然醒悟:自己相当小气, 会为了一个不慎丢失的小东西发脾气, 然后呆坐着反思自己很久以前不见了的什么小头绳之类的,相当懊悔和郁闷..............这样看来我不是做大事的人,拿不起放不下. :)


actually yesterday i went through her views again-----for another 10 times, looking for the traces that were ignored by me, or others. who had really noticed her pains hidden under her vivid thought about life and mind before they knew she has gone? and who would have loved to make a friend? we are just passer-bys......yes we were.

time flied, but time had stopped when it comes to such a moment, or such a place. it's not a real place, a place where you can rest and pick roses from. it's a vitual area where number run through finger tips. only numbers, 0 and 1, were beside her true heart.

kinda sad , but ppl just believe that she will be fine, maybe better, in the place above the sky.

上一篇:我扮圣诞老人 下一篇:这日子!没救了!